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Our Public Policy Work

Workforce Development is Everyone’s Business ®

The Association for Talent Development (ATD, formerly ASTD) is recognized for shaping discussions on workforce development. This page contains resources to help you learn more about workforce development, the importance of employee learning, and ATD's government relations work in the U.S.


Skills gap cover 2022
Bridging the Skills Gap is the Association's seventh whitepaper that explores the growing importance of talent to organizational performance and the skills gap that threatens so many organizations today. Updated in 2021!

Download the report.


Read about a new take on apprenticeships in the September 2019 issue of TD magazine.

Using Public Resources to Enhance Learning

In this ATD publication, you will learn about available resources as well as the process for accessing public funding for training—both for individual career development, and for organizations that want to expand their employee training programs with the help of grants or tax credits. Also included are case studies from organizations that have successfully worked with partners in the government workforce investment system to supplement or build on their training and career development programs.

VIDEO: Public Funding for Training is "Closer Than You Think"

This short video, produced by Newport News Shipbuilding for the ATD Public Policy Council, provides an overview of how companies can engage with the public workforce system to access federal training grants and partnerships with local colleges. If your organization is facing a skills gap or other critical workforce development need, it's worth it to explore the potential that exists within the public workforce system.

2024 ATD Public Policy Advisory Group

ATD's Public Policy Advisory Group is a consortium of talent development leaders representing organizations and educational institutions who assist ATD in educating and advocating for public policies that support building a highly-skilled workforce.

Cristina Mascucci, CPTD
Organizational Development and Effectiveness
University at Buffalo

Paul Smith
Head of Development

Kimberly Johnson Tigner
Global Director of Talent Development

ATD Staff Contact:
Erin Strider
Manager, Awards, Higher Ed, and Public Policy

Track Public Policy Issues

ATD monitors bills introduced in the United States Senate and House of Representatives that have a connection to or impact on training and talent development. Contact ATD about federal legislation introduced in the 117th Congress (Jan. 3, 2021 - Jan. 3, 2023). Email [email protected]

Read the Public Policy Blog