The image of the steely-eyed, decisive leader dominates our idea of success. We envision the visionary who drives the company forward with the bottom line always in mind. But this...
Are you part of a team at work? Are you sure? Maybe, instead, you are part of a co-acting group of several individuals working independently on various tasks. A “real team,” as Treca Stark...
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly inevitable. Whether it’s that omnipresent chatbot everyone talks about, automated notetaking in video calls, or utilizing the skills of...
The world is rapidly changing—so our ideas and innovations need to also adapt to the change and the future. Thinking more like a scientist, with the curiosity of understanding why things...
There is increasing evidence that toxic interpersonal leadership practices and behavior cause serious problems for employees, organizations, and society. Many studies support a link between empathy in leaders and employee performance as well as positive emotional, behavioral, and health outcomes.The ...